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My Daily, Digital Memorials

We've all been listening to what we in the broadcast biz call "year-enders": the most popular books, music and movies of the year; and of course the always-moving lists of people who died this year, mostly famous people. But we also have our lists of people in our private lives. Our close friends' Christmas dinner always includes toasts to people who are no longer at the table — it's a moment of memory we welcome and dread at the same time. We all have our own ways of remembering our dead. And I want to share mine with you. I have a daily digital memorial: it's my password. Every day I settle down with whatever digital device I'm using at the time — at the office with the computer that has two screens, at home with the little iPad that I keep my bedside reading on, in the cab when I get out my phone to tell my husband I'm on the way — and I put in a password. The first time I did this, it was my mother's name. She's been dead for almost 30 years. Like most women from our part of the

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