Since we've been paying a lot of attention to turnarounds by President Trump this week, I'd like to propose that one of the president's men would benefit from a reevaluation of his position on at least one thing: the news media. The secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, has apparently decided he does not need to travel with an entourage of reporters as his predecessors have done — one or two are sufficient in the new secretary's view. He has also reduced the number of staff and advisers who accompany him, and reduced the size of the aircraft in which he travels, from the Boeing 757 to a 737 to save money. Lots of folks might see this as a campaign promise being kept, downsizing the importance of the State Department; reigning in the influence of the correspondents who have made a career of covering American diplomats. The reporters who travel with the secretary do pay their own way and it is not cheap. But the most important thing about this decision to leave the news people behind is the